Reconstruction with local architecture: Panay Island, Philippines, 2014-2017. Capitalizing on experiences from two shelter projects in the aftermath of the super typhoon Haiyan
JOFFROY, Thierry (dir), CAUDERAY, Elsa, DEJEANT, Florie, MOLES, Olivier, 2018. Reconstruction with local architecture: Panay Island, Philippines, 2014-2017. Capitalizing on experiences from two shelter projects in the aftermath of the super typhoon Haiyan. [en ligne] Villefontaine : CRAterre. 40 p. ISBN (print): 979-10-96446-19-3 (digital): 979-10-96446-20-9
When in 2013 the Philippines was hit by super typhoon Haiyan, more than thirteen million people were affected. At least one million houses were damaged, of which more than half were fully destroyed. In the specific context of Panay Island, a number of international organizations decided to offer assistance to local organizations as implementing partners, and two of them were supported by CRAterre through the different steps of the project’s implementation.
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Murielle Serlet (14 septembre 2018). Reconstruction with local architecture: Panay Island, Philippines, 2014-2017. Capitalizing on experiences from two shelter projects in the aftermath of the super typhoon Haiyan. CRAterre. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse